Episode 142: The Kyouran Witches Nikki

We’ve got a great show this week. We discuss living in Japan, report on the news (or lack thereof) and review Kyouran Kazoku Nikki and Strike Witches.

Kyouran Kazoku Nikki – Wait until it hits the US and NetFlix it.
Strike Witches – Wait until it hits the US and NetFlix it.

Show Notes


Intro – Chousai Kenbo Sengen by MOSAIC.WAV from Kyouran Kazoku Nikki
Outro – Neko Mimi Mode by Dimitri From Paris from Tsukiyomi Moon Phase


Kyouran Kazoku Nikki
Anime News Network
Official Site

Strike Witches
Anime News Network
Official Site

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0 Replies to “Episode 142: The Kyouran Witches Nikki”

  1. Yay for getting the Episode 143 a week early,
    but could we name it 142 for the sake of continuity? 🙂

  2. About Strike Witches…
    They don’t wear pants so they can put on the “Striker units”, but at the start of the series they show Miyafuji and her classmates, none of them wear pants or skirts, just panty/bloomers/swimsuits, hmmm… I guess that means young girls in this alternate reality really don’t wear pants or skirts.

  3. Suggestion, your mazcots cloths should change for didfferent times of the year. Ex. School Girl for September, Halloween Theme, Xmas Theme, Easter Theme. I think you get the idea. Just a thought.

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