Episode 495: Dungeon Lad

In this weeks episode we touch up on how the Christmas Giveaway  is going, which only lasts until the end of December so get your entry in now! Afterwards is IRL news, where Ryo is wrapping presents and Red is buried in games. Then the industry news has topics like tropes in anime that might actually gross you out for real, and anime that will make you feel old when you hear it’s turning 10. And finally are the reviews, Red starting off with DanMachi and Ryo ending things on Blood Lad. Also, sorry about Red’s mic quality, there seems to have been an audio setting snafu someplace.

Show Notes


Intro – “ViViD” by May’n from Blood Lad

Outro – “RIGHT LIGHT RISE” by Kanon Wakeshima from DanMachi


DanMachi – Download Now

Blood Lad – Crackers


Nasty Anime Tropes

Attractive Black Haired Characters

Free Condoms

Anime Turning 10 Years Old

Red’s Patreon

AP Christmas Giveaway

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5 Replies to “Episode 495: Dungeon Lad”

  1. What was the name of that doujinshi Ren went on a tangent about, with the nice ogre/orc and the princess? It sounds like a fun read!

  2. Hey, old man here! Um, they created these newfangled things for your phone called apps. If you need the weather, you can pull it up before you head out. Be safe on the roads!

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