Weltall and I dropped by Animeland Wasabi for an easygoing weekend of nerdy fun! We interviewed some fantastic guests, photographed some crazy-awesome costumes, dined in a maid cafe, and spent altogether too much money in the dealer’s room. (Oh wait, that was just me…)
Here’s a few of the videos that should be coming out over the next week or so on our coverage of Animeland Wasabi:
-David Vincent
-Matthew G. Gray
-Erica Schroeder (audio only- will be available for download at www.anime-pulse.com or in the iTunes store)
-Eric Wile
-Press conference with Angel Anatomy, Warky T. Chocobo, Erica Schroeder, Danielle McRae, and Uncle Yo
-Group interview with Laura Post, Lisle Wilkerson, and Julie Rei Goldstein
Around the con
-Weltall and E’s Animeland Wasabi Maid Cafe Experience
-Nylon Pink Concert
-Full Animeland Wasabi coverage