Manga Pulse 78: Wolverine is a Maid?

We complain and argue then get to some good stuff. There is little news so we make the most of it, no you don’t get any special rants we just go off on everything we have. Del Ray sent us a couple of… wonderful mangas to review and well we do as they want.

Maid War Chronicle – Even if you receive it as a present, burn the book and piss on the ashes.
Wolverine: Prodigal Son – Even if you receive it as a present, burn the book and piss on the ashes.

Show Notes


Intro – Spiral by Angela from Asura Cryin’
Outro – Neko Mimi Mode by Dimitri From Paris from Tsukiyomi Moon Phase


Maid War Chronicle
Anime News Network

Wolverine: Prodigal Son
Del Ray

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0 Replies to “Manga Pulse 78: Wolverine is a Maid?”

  1. You had to go and mention Bob Ross. I ended a month long quest for an original painting of his recently and had just gotten over it until this morning.

    Thanks for another entertaining show by the way.

  2. Hey guys, too bad there’s not much news lately, but I love the segment. Funny stuff!

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