After Dark Episode 5: Grubs?! In My V****a?!

That’s right, children! Episode five is here and ready for you to sink your teeth, claws, various torture devices, right into it. Blonde and I start things off with a discussion of sound quality. The short version is we’re still working on it. Then we have Ezmails!! After that we dive into the horror filled F**k fest that is Black Widow. This one is not for the faint of heart.

Leave your friends behind and come check us out on AP After Dark Episode five.


Continue reading “After Dark Episode 5: Grubs?! In My V****a?!”

After Dark Episode 4: I Don’t Know How To Hat?

We live! Yes, good listeners, it is I, Ryo! I have returned from the deepest pits of hentai hell to bring you this episode! Did you miss us? I bet you did! For this episode we have a vanilla comedy title called Girl Next Door. This hentai makes you ask questions like: Are dicks supposed to be that color? No seriously you should get that checked out! How do hats work? Can only certain woman wear hats? What even is a hat? Discover the answers to all these questions and more on Anime Pulse After Dark Episode 4!


Continue reading “After Dark Episode 4: I Don’t Know How To Hat?”

After Dark Episode 3: Two Dollar Hookers Suck

To our delightful listeners we give you: an shiny new episode! This time we bring you a harem of beautiful vampire sisters and a really confusing plot. Ryo is happy because of the vampires, but Blonde is a sad panda because there were no blondes to be banged in the church.

Listen in and enjoy.


Continue reading “After Dark Episode 3: Two Dollar Hookers Suck”

After Dark Episode 2: One Eyed Trouser Slinky

Here we are again friends. Our first date went so well we’re coming back for more. Blonde and I are here to serve up another dose of sexy fun fun time with this week’s hentai: Darling. It’s got everything you could want: sexy dom role-play, masks, and ero ero maids, stacked on top of a steaming pile of scary 80s hairstyles. Mmmmm Delicious!

Listen in to find out a better way to use that trumpet on: AP After Dark~


Intro: Just One Dance by Caro Emerald

Outro: Imitation by Satoru Kosaki from Nisemonogatari

Hentai: Darling

Ryo: Yada

Blonde: Bangin’

After Dark Episode 1: Sensei Says Suck It

Behold! Ryo and community member turned host, Innocuous Blonde are here to bring you something new, something fresh, something…X rated? That’s right kitty cats this Anime Pulse After Dark! We’re here to fill your dreams with tentacle monsters and school girls.We kick things off with a disclaimer. Are you under 18? You might wanna come back later. Next we dive head first into our show which is called Temptation which Ryo demanded we watch because of reasons. A teacher is sleeping with his students and black mail? How could we say no? We end things with the note of: Don’t be creepy. K thanks.

This is a new show and we want your feedback! Email me at or PM one of us to tell us what you think! How can we improve? Is there a new section you’d like us to add? Tell us your thoughts.


Intro: It Was A Very Lovely June by Hatsune Miku

Outro: Imitation from Nisemonogatari by Satoru Kosaki

Hentai: Temptation (Yuuwaku)

Ryo: Fakin’

Blonde: Yada yada